Niko Luoma: For Each Minute, Sixty-Five Seconds

Year: 2021
Dimensions: 30.5 x 25 cm (K x L)

Location: Photographic Gallery Hippolyte (Yrjönkatu 8-10, 00120 Helsinki)

Niko Luoma’s brilliant artist book presents works from the artis’s series Adaptations, as well as the process behind them. The works in the series are based on masterpieces of art history – paintings made by other artists, which Luoma has used as a starting point and made his own versions of them using his own unique working method. The abstract photographs are created according to a precise advance plan with hundreds, sometimes even thousands, of exposures on film. The working process is meditative and slow, and this slowed time is also indicated by the title of the book For Each Minute, Sixty-Five Seconds. The book is a visually impactful and carefully finalised photographic art book.

For Each Minute, Sixty-Five Seconds is a Photobook Award 2021 finalist.


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