Kari Paajanen: .NONE by night and day

ISBN: 978-952-5818-50-5
Publisher: Musta Taide
Released: 2023
Photography: Kari Paajanen
Texts: Kari Paajanen, Terttu
Graphic Design: Kari Paajanen
Language: Finnish
Printing and binding: Helsinki Bofori Oy
Pages: 176
Dimensions: 24,6 x 17,6 cm

Location: Photographic Gallery Hippolyte (Yrjönkatu 8-10, 00120 Helsinki)

.NONE by night and day is a photographic work in which the present and memories are intertwined in a melancholic autobiography of fiction and documentary. The work could be described as a travelogue where the traveller points the camera, seemingly at random, at his destinations, the book is a compilation of memories, a play on words and language and serial photographic compositions. A fragmented reality is only intact when it is polyphonic, for example in the photo at a refugee refoulement point on the Hungarian-Serbian border – .NONE by night and day: 176 pages, 78 photographs, drawings and illustrations, and numerous texts ranging from poems to short stories.
